Wayfarer’s Chapel
Let’s talk about a hidden gem West of Cody Wyoming.
The Wayfarer’s Chapel was created in coordination between Christ Episcopal Church and the Forest Service. You can find it just 8 miles away from the East Entrance of Yellowstone National Park.
I visited the Wayfarer’s Chapel in May to scout it out and bring all of the details to you.

There are some pros and cons to this location that I want to go over really quickly.
Free to Use
Beautiful Drive
Opportunity to See Wildlife
Can accommodate roughly 80 guest including bride and groom
Trees provide a little cover from the elements
Easy to reserve your date
Kind of a long drive ( 1 hour or 44 miles from Cody, WY)
No restrooms or covered area
Only accommodates 80 guest at most
Obviously, these pros and cons will weigh out different for each couple based on the details of their wedding and their goals for the day.
What I like about Wayfarers Chapel
I personally like the intimacy of inviting 80 guests tops. The location has enough parking to accommodate that many people if they ride together and the top parking lot brings you 20-30 yards away from the ceremony site. I like the idea of getting married in God’s creation and find a lot of meaning in an outdoor ceremony. The tree cover available could make up for the lack of a covered area. The chapel itself is kind of nestled between to hillsides that would protect from wind at least as well.
The drive from Cody to the chapel is kind of long, but there is a lot to look at. Being that I grew up in Cody, I have spent a lot of time on the Northfork Highway and there are so many opportunities to see beauty and wildlife.
You can reserve your date with the Episcopal Church by all them at (307)587-3849 or emailing them at info@christchurchcody.org. All they need to know is the date you would like to use the space, your name, and your phone number. If the date is available, they will write you down to make sure you are the only one there that day. If that day isn’t available, you could ask for another day.
The lady I talked to on the phone was very kind and helpful.
The Episcopal Church does not require payment to use this facility, but I would encourage anyone who would like to use this location to consider donating. I am not associated with the Episcopal Church, and when I asked for ways to donate in return for the use of their space they seemed surprised by the notion, so they certainly didn’t tell me to ask you guys.
You can donate by visiting this url and donating online.
Or by sending a check to their P.O box in Cody, Wyoming
P.O. 1718
As I mentioned, the Wayfarers Chapel was created by the Episcopal Church and the Forest Service. The chapel is located in the Shoshone National Forest. To make sure we can maintain the chapel and the forest, I have included a link to the Forest Service’s Basic Forest Service Rules here.
Important things to note when considering this for a wedding venue are:
You might need to discuss a permit with your wedding photographer. They will need to contact the Shoshone National Forest office located in Cody, Wyoming.
The woman who handles the permits can be reached at 307-219-8811.
Fireworks are not allowed and depending on the fire restrictions at that time, sparkler exits or anything involving flame could be out of the picture.
You must make sure the chapel and surrounding area are left as you found it or even better. I would assign someone or even a group of people to make sure you don’t leave anything behind or damaged.
Overall, this is an intimate, rugged, authentic place to say your vows and share them with the people who are important to you.
If you are looking for a local photographer that has experience in the area, please take a look at my wedding packages and portfolios. I am a 5th generation Wyomingite that specializes in documentary style photography.
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As someone who grew up in Cody, Heart Mountain has been the focus of many of my road trips, adventures, and now photo sessions.
This specific location is protected as a nature conservancy. There are lots of native plants and animals which make it a beautiful place to hold a photo session.
Not only is it beautiful, but it is also safe and easy to access from both Cody or Powell in about 30 minutes!