Shopping Local This Holiday Season

Part 2: Stacey Atkinson owner of Eternal Light Creations

Eternal Light Creations is your one stop shop for all your gift giving needs. Stacey has assembled an incredible assortment of her own pieces of work as well as products from artists and creatives in our area.

The interview below occurred on the 21st of November, 2022. No one could describe her business as well as her, so please enjoy these quotes from Stacey Atkinson.

Eternal Light Creations: Powell, WY

When did you open your business?

“Technically I started my Eternal Light Photography business approximately 14 years ago. Landscapes and nature have always been a passion of mine. I loved getting out in nature and capturing what God gifted all of us. I have always had a creative artsy side. In 2019, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and it pretty much put a halt to me getting out and taking pictures. That was hard since getting out and taking pictures was therapy for me. My husband and I had been researching laser machines for a while wanting to expand on that creative side. Covid hit and the machines we had been looking at went on super sale, so that sped up our plan just a bit. With me still going through treatments my body wasn’t ready but my mind and creative side certainly were, so we jumped on it and in April of 2020 we purchased our first commercial CO2 laser. There was a huge learning curve, but I’m always up for a challenge. That began in our garage. The orders for custom designs and fun art pieces exploded. We then modified my business name from Eternal Light Photography to Eternal Light Creations.

In August of 2021 we discussed things and with much prompting from customers, family, and friends we decided to jump in and find a retail location in downtown Powell. My husband has been my biggest supporter and I never could have done this without him and still can’t. My whole family has been so supportive.“

What inspires you to do what you do?

“Ever since I could remember I have always had a creative/artsy side. I’m willing to try anything that is artsy and laser art for sure falls into that. I believe that God has gifted us all with some level of talent and creativity , it’s just a matter of embracing it and sometimes stepping out of our comfort zone.”

Is there something unique to your business that caters to your customers?

“We offer so many different, unique things here including custom engraving on many different things from wood, glass, acrylic and metal. We make custom signs wether it be for small businesses, your front door, or even the baby’s room. We also engrave drink ware and cutting boards. Right now we are super busy with the Holidays coming. We make all of our ornaments. My mom helps me at the store painting and staining and assembling all our unique ornaments among all our other items we do.”

“Our goal is to provide unique items you can’t find everywhere else. If we don’t create it, we do our best to provide unique Wyoming made items, especially locally made. We don’t do consignments, we buy the products from local artisans including my dad’s beautiful wood work, resin work by Moxie Blue Creative, Warrior Poet Beard oils and hand balms made by my husband Joe, spoon rings made by my niece Madi Harvey, Goats milk soap by BH Farmstead out of Frannie, hot cocoa bombs by Two Sisters Gourmet , freeze dried candies by Millies Munchies, rice bags by Sam Edgell, handmade baby blankets made by my mom and I’m sure there will be so much more coming. Things change all the time in Eternal Light. Once something sells, I go create something new and unique.”

It is so important that we support the local businesses in our area. These business owners contribute to the community in more ways than we would think. Between donations, the convenience of local commodities, and their social contributions as amazing people, we need to make sure we are giving back and giving thanks to our local businesses.


Shopping Local This Holiday Season


Shopping Local This Holiday Season