Shopping Local This Holiday Season

Part 1: Sara Lovelady owner of Nail Loft, LLC

Welcome to the Nail Loft. You are greeted by a cheerful Sara Lovelady who is the owner of the salon. The sun shines through the large west window that illuminates the entire salon as it bounces off the clean white walls. The scent of peppermint and hot chocolate grace your nose as you walk to one of the smooth glass tables for your manicure.

I had the opportunity to interview Sara about her business. Sara has been doing nails since 2014 and opened the Nail Loft June 1st, 2022. To Sara, the Nail Loft is more than just a business. This salon isn’t a standard “all purpose” salon, it is an environment. Sara designed her salon under two principles, cleanliness and relaxation.

The Nail Loft offers a few unique qualities that Sara has employed to make sure her customers’ experience is the absolute best. Sara explained to me that one of the things that inspires her most is the fact that she can “make women feel beautiful.” As any woman might relate to, Sara believes an appointment with her is a way for women to unwind, feel confident, and practice self-care.

Unlike an “all purpose” salon, the Nail Loft offers silent appointments, jewelry cleaning, transparent pricing, and specialty spa treatments.

This holiday season, you can enjoy 10% off gift certificates, a hot chocolate pedicure, and submission into a drawing for a three piece Hemps set with the purchase of a gift certificate or service.

Make sure you stop by the Nail Loft this holiday season to pamper yourself, your partner, daughter, sister, mother, or anyone that needs a little relaxation in their lives.

It is so important that we support the local businesses in our area. These business owners contribute to the community in more ways than we would think. Between donations, the convenience of local commodities, and their social contributions as amazing people, we need to make sure we are giving back and giving thanks to our local businesses.


Shopping Local This Holiday Season


Photography Nightmare! Lost Images!