3 Questions I ask During the Consultation Process.

Here are three questions I ask my customers to better understand how to serve them BETTER!

We all know the standard inquiry questions right?

  • What/Who is our subject?

  • What is the location?

  • How long will the session last?

How can I upgrade my consultation process to better serve my customers and create more meaningful images? Digging just a little deeper with my questions not only produces images that better serve my customers artistically, but also allow me to refine my workflow for each project.

What will the images be used for?

I was just recently hired by the college I attend to photograph an annual event they were hosting in the community. The initial email I received asked if I was available to take photographs of the event being held downtown, September 16th, for 1-2 hours. This email answered the standard inquiry questions.

  • What/Who is our subject?

    • The college event in the community

  • What is the location?

    • Downtown

  • How long will the session last?

    • 1-2 hours

I could have showed up to the event with a base understanding and created images that were good enough. When I responded to the email and asked what they would be using the images for, they informed me that they were mostly looking for images that could be used for digital advertisement on the event, but could be possibly used for printing. While photographing the event, I focused on all of the services and perks the college was offering at this event. Knowing they would likely be using my images to advertise next year’s event, I knew to photograph anything that would be appealing to the audience they wanted to attract.

When processing the images after, I focused on vibrant colors, good contrast, and even exposures in an effort to make sure the images popped online and didn’t get dull in the printing process. With the knowledge of what they would be used for, I exported each images as a tiff and a jpg. The tiff files were of a specific resolution and sharpening to correctly print. The jpg files are smaller files that will be easier to upload to social medias and be of the correct ratio to post.

NWC Photographic Communications Student (Tala Jerecke) shows a local child her face paint.

What story are we trying to tell?

In June, this year, I did a photoshoot for a young woman who is a ranch hand. During our consultation, I asked her why should booked the shoot? I told her I wanted to better understand the images she was expecting from me. She told me that she wanted to highlight her independence. When you live over 30 miles away from the nearest town, that is definitely a strength to admire and celebrate.

She wanted to do the photoshoot with her horse and her dog. The two animals that accompanied her everyday whether they were working or playing. With the knowledge that this shoot was to highlight her strength and independence, I went to work.

During the shoot, I focused on very strong poses that highlighted her strength and independence in the rugged environment she worked and lived in. I highlighted the landscape and used a lot of prompted poses rather than rigid poses. My favorite image from the day tells her story.

June 2022: Olivia on Slide Mountain

Had I not asked the deeper question, I would have likely gotten pictures that she would have enjoyed. The deeper understanding allowed me to create a scene and tell her story.

Who are the images for?

I did another photoshoot in June for a widowed woman and her daughter. She purchased the photoshoot as a father’s day gift to her father-in-law. She told me the only thing her father-in-law wanted was pictures of “his girls”. We surprised him with a multi-print wall hanging just in time for Father’s Day!

You will never know the purpose of a photoshoot without digging deeper. By truly understanding my customers, I can help produce images that they will faun over. I will be able to create art they want to hang on their walls. Not only am I taking photographs, but I am creating and capturing moments and memories they will want to remember.

Mother and daughter share an embrace.

I want to better serve my customers and better connect with my customers. After all, they didn’t hire my camera they hired me.

If you are ready to book a meaningful, artistic, and expressive session let’s talk!


Photography Nightmare! Lost Images!